Day 74

Oops! Damn, I was so dedicated to this blogging thing back at the start! There's been too much going on I suppose.

Had a 200g gain on Saturday, weighed in at 83.0. I was disappointed but it was my own fault as I had been pretty complacent during the week.

This week has been much better and despite another weekend full of crap food I checked this morning and was down 700g to 82.3. That's the lowest weight so far! I even ate MACCAS on the weekend!

18 sleeps til NZ - I don't think I'll crack the 70s but in a way I'm kind of glad because I know I'm bound to put on a bit of weight while I'm away and I think it would be a bit depressing to get into the 70s only to jump back out straight after. When I return I will piss the 80s off for good though, that's for sure.

I'm feeling pretty good regardless - most of my clothes are fitting me now, and these are clothes that I bought when I was between 75-80kgs so I must have a fair bit more muscle now. I feel pretty cute when I look in the mirror instead of feeling disgusted by my reflection. I feel fit and strong.

So in other news, Bass Boy has been acting a little strange lately. He had to refinance his car loan for our trip - just a bit of bad luck really. Anyway he won't tell me how much he took out which is unusual in our relationship as we're very open with that kind of stuff. He's changed his email password (again, I've always had access - I book things in his name and then go and get out the confirmation emails etc). Last night I used his laptop and his history was full of jeweler's websites!!! I don't want to get my hopes up or anything but marriage is definitely something we've talked about and I feel ready to go there and I think a New Zealand proposal would just be the most romantic and awesomest thing ever. My very inquisitive nature makes me want to snoop further but that would just be silly, wouldn't it!

Day 64

I have become such a slack blogger! It was inevitable I suppose. ;)

Had a 100g loss on Saturday, but was expecting a gain so wasn't complaining. Ate too much crap on the weekend again! Argh! Must stop that.

I bought some new dresses yesterday, one is a bit too tight but it is the hottest dress I've ever owned so I feel very inspired for it to fit properly! It makes my waist look real little and makes me feel kinda 50s pinup girly. It's a black & white polka dot thing. Hott.

I swear my biggest problem with losing weight is that I start enjoying clothes shopping wayyy too much! haha

Got a really bad stomachache at about lunchtime today. I sat it out for an hour and then left work early, doubled over in pain. Came home took some buscopan and fell asleep for 3 hours. I really want this week to be spot on and was thinking my tummy had stuffed Monday! But I was feeling better after a while so I got on the tready and ran for 20 mins (it's getting easier!) and made dinner. So today has ended up being spot on - woohoo!

It's my cousin's engagement this weekend so I will be avoiding any stomach-bloating carby things.

Oh - and I've had 4 people comment on my shrinking! It makes me feel a little uncomfortable but good at the same time.

Day 58

Well, my weigh-in on Saturday was 82.9 - 1.1kg loss! I wrote up a whole post on the day and then got distracted, and then Bass Boy used my computer to check his bank balance and then closed Firefox on me! I cracked it - I never close Firefox, just shut down leaving it open so I can always restore the session - I'm always clicking links in blogs and such but might not get to reading them for a few days you see.

I ate a whole heap of crap over the weekend so that was pretty stupid. I've been struggling on weekends lately. This week is going to be a bit strange because I'm staying in a hotel in the city for 2 nights - Bass Boy has a work conference and they're putting him up in a 5 star hotel! Sweet! So I don't really know how I'm going to sort out meals yet.

I've discovered that I'm most likely to take a day off exercise on Monday - but then almost as likely to also take one off on Sunday. So I really need to make sure I do it on Monday so I can take Sunday off guilt-free. Yesterday I got home, took the dog for an hour-long walk, then got on the tready for C25k (10/3/10mins). It was bin night so I changed the kitty litter and was going to go visit my folks - figuring Bass Boy could help with the rest of the rubbish later. Then I thought I could just pick up the rubbish in the lounge room (including bits of dog toy scattered everywhere). It turned into a full-on cleaning frenzy which hasn't happened in my house for a long, long time.

I feel so much better now that the house is clean! Well, the most lived in parts at least.

Day 53

Hmm. I had a bit of a blow-out last night. I was just so hungry ALL. DAY. No matter what I ate! It was crazy. Nestle Diet desserts are a good low-calorie treat but er, not when you have four of them. Not all at once I should add, spread out over the day. But still! That was after the toast I had, and the two egg toasties for dinner. Who eats 6 pieces of bread in one day?! Crazy.

Anyway I felt much more sane today except for a chocolate teddy bear biscuit. They were put down right next to my bloody desk! Argh.

Went to the gym tonight - I was all tired beforehand and "I don't wannnnaaaa" but of course as soon as I'm there I enjoy it. Stupid exercise! Why can't I just always want to do you??

I found some dresses stashed away that didn't fit before and they do now. This is so much more fun than stashing clothes away while cracking the shits because they don't fit anymore! Heh.

I should really lay off the Nestles and chocolate teddy bears. Eek.

Ooh, Law & Order time.

Day 52

omg I am having such a hungry day today!!! And today someone also put a box of goddamn fundraiser chocolates in the kitchen at work. As if I would have even THOUGHT about a mini-block of Crunchie chocolate if it hadn't been there! I didn't buy any, and I won't, but man, every time I went to fill up my water or make a cup of tea there it was, staring me in the face! I ended up putting a dairy milk one on top. Dairy milk - pffft! Borrring.

Anyway I got home and had some toast with honey - I was craving sweet, sweet carbs and I figured if I just had exactly what I wanted then I wouldn't go on to eat a whole bunch of other crap. And hey! It worked!

I had a rest day on Monday - it was unintentional but by the time I'd done grocery shopping, made dinner and washed my hair it was bedtime. So since yesterday was gym, today meant running. And boy did I not want to do it. I was wondering if it would be so bad to skip it and then I started trying on some too-small clothes. I only tried them on a couple of weeks ago but the difference was massive! The dress I wanted to fit into for my cousin's engagement at the end of the month - fits! Oh, except it has a dodgy zip (always has) - always gets stuck at a seam about an inch from the top (it's hidden away under the arms though). Anyway today it went right up.... AND WOULDN'T COME BACK DOWN AGAIN!!! I was seriously stuck in this dress and no one was home. I was freaking out! I didn't want to have to wreck the dress to get it off but I could not get that zip undone.

I was thinking about driving to my parent's house and getting them to help but I really didn't want to do that! In the end I got a fork and stuck a prong in the little hole on the zip - I was worried it would just break handley bit but it worked - although it got some of my skin on the way down. Ouch. Man that was terrifying. Target dresses are notorious for dodgy zips - I've been stuck in them in their dressing rooms before too.

Anyway. I was amazed at this completely visible difference in my body - I guess I never had a whole selection of too-small clothes before so I could never really see it. Oh - and today I wore a pair of jeans to work that haven't fit me for about 18 months! All of this got me on the tready. And then the bike, since I missed out on a lunchtime walk today. All good.

I dunno if I should do measurements/photos this week or next - being conscious that it's PMS time and I'll probably be bloated. Speaking of PMS, you know what I feel like eating right now? Creamy pasta! I hate pasta with creamy sauces! I haven't eaten a creamy-sauced pasta for about 8 years I reckon. wtf!!!!

Less than 6 weeks til NZ!

Day 50

Have I really not posted since last Wednesday?! I didn't realise. I've been a bad blogger!

I had a pretty crap week last week. I had 3 days with no exercise and food was a bit off. I just felt like shit all week - tired, lethargic, cranky. I was meant to go to the gym on Friday but got held up at work so then got stuck in the worst of the traffic on my way home. It was cold and raining and all I wanted to do was curl up and sleep. So I did.

Saturday was an even worse day - again, I'd planned on going to the gym since I didn't go Friday but just couldn't get moving. I was crying at the drop of a hat and barely moved the whole day. Didn't even go outside. I felt a bit sick in the stomach too and hardly ate anything for the whole day.

Actually I noticed a few days of hardcore moodiness at around the same time last month - right in the middle of my cycle. Could ovulation cause such things? Hmmm. Maybe I'm just bipolar.

Yesterday I got up and got my arse down to the gym and felt on top of the world afterwards! Stupid exercise and it's happy-inducing properties! Went to Sassafras with the intentions of going to Miss Marples but there was almost a 2 hour wait so we went elsewhere instead. Had a handcrumbed parma which was very nice but what I really wanted was hot chips, thick-cut homestyle and it got served with fries. and I swear there wasn't even any potato in them. So I didn't eat them - normally I would have even though I didn't want them!

Oh yeah, I weighed in at 84 on Saturday - 500g gain. But it was back down to 83.6 yesterday so hopefully it'll drop more during the week.

I did a run on Thursday - 10/3/10 run/walk/run. I really struggled and it put me off attempting the next workout - a 25 min run. I'm still too scared! I might repeat the week and try building up to that again.

Day 45

This week I have learned why it's not good to spend an entire day boozing. I'm only just feeling back to normal today! It's Wednesday! Surely it shouldn't take 3 days to recover! And I wouldn't even say entirely back to normal today, because I still really struggled to get out of bed this morning. Although that could just be because work is really pissing me off this week and I don't want to be here.

Anyway Monday became a rest day because I was tired and cranky and cold and hungry.. bit too much snacking in the afternoon...

Yesterday wasn't bad, I forced myself onto the tready after hours of whinging "I don't wannnaaaa". Of course it was exactly what I needed and made me feel a lot better.

I had an awesome dinner last night, satay chicken skewers -

  • 2 Tbs peanut butter
  • 1 Tbs sweet chilli sauce
  • 2 Tbs soy sauce
  • 2 Tbs lemon juice
  • 1 clove garlic (I just used a teaspoon of the Gourmet Garden garlic paste)
  • 1 tsp sugar
  • 2-3 spring onions
  • 400-500g chicken breast, cut into about 2cm pieces
  • 6-8 bamboo skewers
  1. Soak the bamboo skewers in cold water.
  2. Mix everything except chicken in a bowl until it forms a paste - I actually used half sanitarium natural peanut butter and half kraft just to make it a bit thicker.
  3. Mix the chicken in until well covered, refrigerate for at least 30 minutes.
  4. Thread chicken pieces onto skewer and cook under a grill for about 4 minutes each side. I had my grill at 200°C.
MMMM!!!! I used 400g chicken and that made 6 skewers. Works out to about 130 calories per skewer.

I know I say this a lot but I really don't think I'll see a loss on the scale this week. In fact I'm pretty much resigned to a gain. D'oh! I really want to hit the 5kgs lost mark.


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