Day 45

This week I have learned why it's not good to spend an entire day boozing. I'm only just feeling back to normal today! It's Wednesday! Surely it shouldn't take 3 days to recover! And I wouldn't even say entirely back to normal today, because I still really struggled to get out of bed this morning. Although that could just be because work is really pissing me off this week and I don't want to be here.

Anyway Monday became a rest day because I was tired and cranky and cold and hungry.. bit too much snacking in the afternoon...

Yesterday wasn't bad, I forced myself onto the tready after hours of whinging "I don't wannnaaaa". Of course it was exactly what I needed and made me feel a lot better.

I had an awesome dinner last night, satay chicken skewers -

  • 2 Tbs peanut butter
  • 1 Tbs sweet chilli sauce
  • 2 Tbs soy sauce
  • 2 Tbs lemon juice
  • 1 clove garlic (I just used a teaspoon of the Gourmet Garden garlic paste)
  • 1 tsp sugar
  • 2-3 spring onions
  • 400-500g chicken breast, cut into about 2cm pieces
  • 6-8 bamboo skewers
  1. Soak the bamboo skewers in cold water.
  2. Mix everything except chicken in a bowl until it forms a paste - I actually used half sanitarium natural peanut butter and half kraft just to make it a bit thicker.
  3. Mix the chicken in until well covered, refrigerate for at least 30 minutes.
  4. Thread chicken pieces onto skewer and cook under a grill for about 4 minutes each side. I had my grill at 200°C.
MMMM!!!! I used 400g chicken and that made 6 skewers. Works out to about 130 calories per skewer.

I know I say this a lot but I really don't think I'll see a loss on the scale this week. In fact I'm pretty much resigned to a gain. D'oh! I really want to hit the 5kgs lost mark.



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