Day 74

Oops! Damn, I was so dedicated to this blogging thing back at the start! There's been too much going on I suppose.

Had a 200g gain on Saturday, weighed in at 83.0. I was disappointed but it was my own fault as I had been pretty complacent during the week.

This week has been much better and despite another weekend full of crap food I checked this morning and was down 700g to 82.3. That's the lowest weight so far! I even ate MACCAS on the weekend!

18 sleeps til NZ - I don't think I'll crack the 70s but in a way I'm kind of glad because I know I'm bound to put on a bit of weight while I'm away and I think it would be a bit depressing to get into the 70s only to jump back out straight after. When I return I will piss the 80s off for good though, that's for sure.

I'm feeling pretty good regardless - most of my clothes are fitting me now, and these are clothes that I bought when I was between 75-80kgs so I must have a fair bit more muscle now. I feel pretty cute when I look in the mirror instead of feeling disgusted by my reflection. I feel fit and strong.

So in other news, Bass Boy has been acting a little strange lately. He had to refinance his car loan for our trip - just a bit of bad luck really. Anyway he won't tell me how much he took out which is unusual in our relationship as we're very open with that kind of stuff. He's changed his email password (again, I've always had access - I book things in his name and then go and get out the confirmation emails etc). Last night I used his laptop and his history was full of jeweler's websites!!! I don't want to get my hopes up or anything but marriage is definitely something we've talked about and I feel ready to go there and I think a New Zealand proposal would just be the most romantic and awesomest thing ever. My very inquisitive nature makes me want to snoop further but that would just be silly, wouldn't it!


  1. A Healthier Happier Me said...


    Just wanted to let you know I have been reading your blog and love it!

    i knew i was going to be proposed to and it did take away some of the magic, so if i were you I would try to be patient and wait until it happens without anymore snooping : )... for me that would be hard, but hindsight is a great thing : )

    Have a great week,



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