mmm, yoghurt.

I'm on a soft food diet for my TMJ. All I can think of is:

  • eggs
  • soup
  • yoghurt
  • cottage cheese
  • porridge
  • soft fruits (pureed apple, canned peaches, bananas etc)
  • coffee ;)
Seriously, I can't think of anything else. I was only told to avoid hard/chewy foods yesterday afternoon, but with what I've planned today I'm going to end on <1000 calories. That's with porridge/latte/2 hard boiled eggs with mixed lettuce and a bit of dressing/tub of apple puree/tub of jalna yoghurt/curried pumpkin & lentil soup. Which is really yummy by the way.
Make it. Now.

The calories might be low but at least it's better than how I've been eating lately. Ugh.

I'm seeing a Bowen therapist for my TMJ. And I'm starting meditation for stress relief. Although a new job would probably do the trick there.

I am hoping that fixing TMJ will help with my ear as they appear to be linked. Oh, and I'm only allowed to walk for the few days after Bowen treatments. Again, probably better than what I've been doing lately (that would be nothing).


  1. Jadey said...

    Oh babe that sounds terrible. I do hope the Bowen therapy helps eliminate your TMJ.  


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