Day 2

What's that? Day 2? Surely I'm on day 360-something? Well no, my ear was my undoing really. So much psychological crap stopping me from exercising, can't get any help for it because doctors have never heard of it, blah blah blah.

I still get down about it. But I finally braved the gym for the first time this year a couple of months ago. My ear didn't play up and I felt great. But then I started to get scared that it would happen the second time! So I didn't go again.

I've joined the 6 week Spring Into Action challenge over at We Are Slimming. I'll be very happy just to complete the damn thing, as I've never managed to complete any kind of finite challenge before. Not even my 13 week one last year (and I got so close too! :( )

Off to a good start, I've gotten up at 5:30 the last two mornings to do 20 mins on the exercise bike, then have done more after work. Tomorrow I have to go to the hairdresser, Thursday the waxer and then Friday we're driving up to Wodonga for my cousin's wedding on Saturday. I plan to fully enjoy myself and not worry too much while I'm up there but next week I'll be back into the gym.

I think I might have developed exercise-induced asthma though. It started when I was doing C25K last year - and was why I stopped actually. As soon as I'd start running my throat would close up and I'd start wheezing. It got really scary one day when I was a couple of kms away from home, and had to walk all the way back and it didn't stop the whole way - until I got home and had some of Bass Boy's ventolin. Anyway it seems worse, I'm getting wheezy on the bike and on the tready just walking with an incline. Better get to the doctor quick smart. I've never had anything like this before!

I spent the last couple of months on Lite N Easy which was a complete waste of money - I think I actually gained weight. I was on the 1500 calorie menu - but only lunches and dinners - and I was just hungry all the time. And something about it just made me crave sweet stuff... I think I ate more chocolate on that than I ever have! Plus I never want to look at a microwave meal again!

Anyway last night I cooked a meal for the first time in, well, months! It was awesome, just chicken and veg with a bit of gravy. So good. Chicken Cacciatore is on the menu tonight. Steak & veg tomorrow and a spinach and ham frittata on Thursday. Then we'll have the leftover in sandwiches on the way to wodonga - no need to stop at that newish giant fast food place - it seriously have every fast food you can think of.

Oh, better put in my starting stuff..

Weight: 87.0kg
Bust: 100cm
Waist: 82.5cm
Hips: 106.5cm
Arm: 33.5
Neck: 32cm
Shoulder: 103cm
Thigh: 68cm
Calf: 43cm

All those numbers look wayyyy too familiar! My bust has never been that big though! My period is about to come so maybe that's why. I've never seen that measurement over 97cm.

Anyway I totally busted my index finger today typing in endless numbers and it's really hurting to type! Geez does that warrant a sicky tomorrow? ;)



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