Day 10

Ouuchh, my lats are sooorrre today! Or my "latissimus dorsal fins" as I like to say. Speaking of funny ways I like to say muscle names, my ticeretopses are sore too.

I didn't think I was effectively working my lats yesterday because I was feeling it more in my arms but I must've done something right.

I think "the boy" needs a better nickname. I'm thinking "Bass Boy" because he plays bass, and he's seaworthy! (er, see http://www.homestarrunner/tgsmenu.html or for context)

So anyway, we were at Bass Boy's family shindig on the weekend and he asked one of his sisters if she's lost weight. "Yep" "Like, a lot?" "14kgs"

We both said how amazing that was and she said:
"No it's not, it should be more than that."

What?! I realised that I've said similar things in the past and that it seems to be quite a common theme really. How sad is it that someone who's worked really hard and lost 14kgs can't look at it and see it as a great achievement, but instead berates herself for not losing more. She said she stalled for a few weeks, losing and gaining the same couple of kilos before she finally hit the 14 mark. And because of that, her efforts aren't good enough.

It's ridiculous!

I still can't bring myself to exercise outside at 5:30am. I just can't seem to force myself out of bed. I wanted to do C25K this morning but reasoned that part of the route goes along "the dodgy street" and I didn't want to in the dark, on my own. Reasonable concern or excuse? Hmmm. As long as I fit in what I have planned, I'm not too fussed, it'd just be nice to get it out of the way first thing.

Here's hoping I've won Ozlotto and can quit my job. Then I can exercise whenever I want! Muhahahaha!



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