Day 11

The ear strikes again. I'm more convinced than ever that what I have is Meniere's Disease.
This morning it occurred while just sitting at my desk, the ear only felt blocked for a minute but the dizziness and nausea has been going on for a while. Argh, I have to go to the gym today, I don't need this now!

Unfortunately one thing in common with each attack over the last couple of weeks is, it's been on a day I've had a coffee. Actually it's happened every day I've had a coffee, except Sunday. I'm going to have to try decaf.

I read today that it can be triggered by a drop in inner ear pressure that can be caused by dehydration, low blood pressure and "overbreathing". All of which potentially explains why exercise is a problem.

I've contacted Meniere's Australia to ask if they can help with finding a GP who will actually be helpful with diagnosis, if Meniere's is what I have. We'll see. I just know I couldn't bear hearing the "there's nothing wrong with you" speech again. The last time I heard it was from an ENT specialist who then bulk billed me because I burst into tears and sobbed like a baby in his office. Heh.

Sigh. In other news, I did C25K last night and got home 3 minutes faster than yesterday.

Argh, I can't concentrate. I feel like crap.

I know lots of people deal with worse shit all the time but this seriously has a major impact on life enjoyment and all the rest of it. I hate being afraid to do things in case it plays up. I hate worrying about it happening while I'm on holidays trying to have fun.

Blah blah blah, woe is me.


  1. Miss Milo said...

    Oh Amy I hope your ear gets better soon! It sounds like torture! :(

    The boy and I are off to NZ soon so I'll be reading along to find out about your travels :)

    Best of luck!  


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