Day 4

This week is going fast!

Haha, at work we have a cafe about 200m away with the BEST coffee I've ever had. It's amazing. Unfortunately I have two officemates (who I love btw) who crave the coffee bean even more than I do! And they're a bad influence! They got me up to a one-a-day habit! I've never been the type to purchase a coffee every single day.

So as part of this 13 weeks, my morning snack is a skinny latte & a Slim Secrets Mintabolism bar (which are the best things ever invented in my humble opinion!) on Mondays and Fridays. I came in on Monday and proclaimed my new 2-per-week plan and they've been very good, not coaxing me as they usually do. When I announced my decision, J decided she would follow suit... but she gave herself the leeway for a mid-week Wednesday coffee (which she had yesterday) and this morning she caved and has just gone to get another one.

God I can't believe I just wrote so many words about coffee. It's an important part of life!

Yesterday was good, I went home at lunch to walk the dog as planned and to the gym after work. My gym workout wasn't great, quads and shoulders, but being the first workout I spent most of it dicking around with weights and didn't get much out of it in the end. I'm not even sore today (although my abs are still sore from Monday!). I may get a bit sore by the end of the day though, I shouldn't speak too soon!

A woman at the gym started talking to me yesterday - I hate talking during workouts, I hate the whole "work out with a buddy!!!" thing - it's time for me, y'know. Anyway she was talking to herself out loud while looking at her program "Hammer curls, hammer curls, what are hammer curls? I can't remember what hammer curls are! What are hammer curls!" so to shut her up I quickly demonstrated. Which apparently meant I wanted to be mates! She started going on about how I should get *insert trainer's name here* to do my program cause she's amazing, she really works you hard blah blah blah. She went on for ages about how she'd had the same program for 2 1/2 months and couldn't figure out why she stopped losing weight so she got this new program and it's so great and hard - and then she proceeded to pick up a barbell - no weights, just the bar and start doing curls with it!

Er... if after 2 1/2 months you can only lift a BAR....

Tried to get up at 5:30 again this morning and failed! I am just so opposed to walking outside in the dark. I guess it'll be easier once it starts getting lighter... until daylight saving starts and it gets dark again! Ugh, I should just get over it!


Holy crap, I forgot the most exciting part! The people at my local Coles now think I'm a complete psycho, because I actually squealed out loud when I saw Old El Paso Wholewheat Tortillas on the shelf!!! I haven't been able to find wholewheat ones anywhere! And I love tortillas! I had one for lunch today with lemon pepper salmon slices, baby spinach, carrot, tomato & red/green capsicum. Mmmmm....



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