Day 17

What a beautiful day it was in Melbourne today! Still a little cold, but the sun was lovely.

Well my glutamine theory got debunked this arvo - I had some in my preworkout shake again and then went off to do C25K - it was the hardest one yet! Maybe because I didn't want to do it and had it in my head that it was going to be really hard. Oh well.

Oh, and I spent 10 mins on the stair machine at the gym yesterday and it fucked my hips up. They've been rool sore all day so it hurt to run. Stupid dodgy hips! Curse you, childhood dancing!

Food = great. Actually I was about to go to bed last night and realised that my calories for the day were just over 1000. Eek! I had another protein shake to raise it a bit. They were a bit low today too so I had some toast with dinner - I was having a massive bread craving (it's been 3 weeks since I had any!). Bread included today is still only about 1300. Weird.

I'm at that point where I'm starting to think "This can't possibly be working, it's too easy". I guess it's just that once you get into a groove, it's not that difficult to exercise every day, and it's not that difficult to eat well as long as you're prepared.

So at the start of last year I was enrolled in a Bachelor of Science which I planned to study by distance education - don't even ask why, I just decided it would be a good thing to study??
Anyway, first semester began and I didn't even realise - not for a couple of weeks! Then when I did realise, I had an assignment due the next week! So I applied for intermission - I was so not prepared for study. I applied for intermission again this year, knowing that I didn't want to study it but not wanting to discontinue just yet - okay, so I couldn't discontinue online and I couldn't be bothered hunting down forms and filling them out and mailing htem.

Anyway I've decided to study IT next year but I didn't think I could apply for course transfer because I haven't attempted any units in my current degree. But I spoke to the lovely admissions folk today and they said I could! Yay! Easier than discontinuing and then going through the whole application process again.

I'm worried that it will be too full on and take over my life - but I really want to have some kind of useful qualification - as my current diploma is pretty much useless since I did nothing with it - it's been 4 years now so no employers in the field want to know about me. I don't want to be stuck in the job I'm in now, because it's boring. I just want to do something that I'm actually interested in (if not passionate about).

I hope I find myself interested enough in the coursework to study it for 6 years. Oh, I can't think about the 6 years. It's all too much. Well I guess first I have to get into the course. But I can't see why I wouldn't. My goal is to set up the back bedroom as a study before next year - at the moment it's the "aviary" - aka the room we keep the birds in so the cats don't kill them. I need to get a proper desk.



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