Day 18

Another gorgeous day! SPRING!!!! I love it.

Gym tonight although my hips are still sore from Tuesday :(

Apparently work will pay for my study - the catch? You have to stay on for at least one year after completing your study or you have to pay back the money for the previous year. Oh, and it has to be a full-fee paying course, not a Commonweath Supported Place (HECS). Apparently there's a way to do it so you don't end up out of pocket, with FEE-HELP but it's all a bit confusing. And I'm not sure how much they actually pay for - I'd be looking at about $10k/year for full-fee. I'm pretty sure they wouldn't pay all of it!

There's also study leave, 4 hours a week. And I'll be able to enter as Mixed Mode so I can do some stuff off-campus and some stuff on-campus - and since I work at the uni I'll be studying at, I should be able to physically go to some classes pretty easily.

So once I get back from NZ I'm going to start saving up... for an iMac. Ohhh yeahhh. And my dad can't get annoyed because he "only has Windows software" because I'll be able to run Windows on the Mac. Ha! I can get one for $1549 with educational discount. Although I reckon I should get a double discount as a staff member AND a student ;)



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