Day 27

Weigh in: 84.5

In your face, PMS! 600g loss!

I was really really hoping to get under 85. Now I'm closer to 80 than 90, you see.

I also took measurements and photos last night. I couldn't see much of a difference in the photos, although I'm pretty sure I have one leg a fair bit longer than the other. I look all lopsided and my stomach is all squished up on one side and all straight on the other! I look like a freak! :(

 Week 1Week 4Difference

I think my feet must've been swollen last night!!! It was right after exercise, does exercise make feet swell? The calf can't be right either. My boots will tell you they are smaller!

I skipped C25K last night - got home and had to make dinner which took longer than I thought. And I'd been out in the wind earlier and my sinuses are still paying for it now. So I did a "Sprint 8" session on my bike - 8 sprint intervals of 30 secs, with 90 sec recoveries. It took a long time to convince myself to do it but I am determined to get 7 gold stars on my exercise chart this week!



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