I ran for 20 minutes straight!!!!! I have never run for 20 minutes in my whole entire life! Prior to today, the longest I have ever run without stopping is 8 minutes, and I did that on Wednesday.

I thought I was going to die, and I almost stopped a couple of times but sometimes being really stubborn is handy because I just kept telling myself that I didn't want to be a quitter and I kept going.

Usually it's physical pain that makes me want to stop - running hurts! Today it was mainly for cardio fitness reasons. I was almost gasping for air by the end, but I made it! As I typed that I realised that I'm the same after an interval session on a bike/elliptical but it feels completely different to being puffed out from running for some reason.

I did it on the treadmill. Actually I've kind of gone back to the tready, partly because I chickened out, partly because I hate the only flat part around here, it's also the dodgiest part of the neighbourhood, partly because I read somewhere something about how beginners shouldn't run on concrete, and partly that combined with the fact that I have terrible, terrible shoes. I got them early 2006, they started falling apart within a few months (around the top) and now the soles are run riiiight down. I just don't want to spend money on new shoes before NZ but I also don't want to injure myself. Treadmill is a bit more cushioned.

Anyway, it's pretty warm in the house today so by the end of the 20 minutes I felt like I'd jumped in a pool. Actually, it was more like I'd done a few laps in an indoor pool - that wet, sweaty feeling. Ewwwww!

Oh, and because I'm currently a bit scale-obsessed, I decided to see how much I'd sweated out - scale said 84.0. I drank a glass of water and then it said 84.6! But the glass was only 350mls... so shouldn't it have only been 350 grams? I call shenanigans!

P.S. I got my bits waxed this morning and It seemed there was a little bit of wax left around the area of my arse crack (hott!) and so the stickiness and the running gave a bit of chafing and now my arse is killing me!



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