Woohoo, heading into week 4!
Ugh, I feel crap today. I just want to eat chocolate and not exercise. Somehow I have to exercise, clean the house, walk the dog, do grocery shopping and have dinner with my parents! I can't seem to get moving.
Went to Shanghai Village for dumplings last night...mmmmm, dumplings. I felt really bloated after them though. Had a custard bun from a Chinese bakery that was pretty crap - afterwards I was really annoyed that I kept eating it even though I wasn't really enjoying it. And even though it was my treat meal, I feel guilty about it because I ate too much!
This morning I already went a little crazy on walnuts. Not too damaging but still. Annoying!
Bass Boy found out yesterday that his dad has bone cancer. He's terminal but we don't really have any details yet. His dad left when he was 4 and lives in WA so he doesn't know him very well. He's the youngest of 5 kids though so his siblings are probably feeling differently. I don't really know what to say to him about it.