Day 50

Have I really not posted since last Wednesday?! I didn't realise. I've been a bad blogger!

I had a pretty crap week last week. I had 3 days with no exercise and food was a bit off. I just felt like shit all week - tired, lethargic, cranky. I was meant to go to the gym on Friday but got held up at work so then got stuck in the worst of the traffic on my way home. It was cold and raining and all I wanted to do was curl up and sleep. So I did.

Saturday was an even worse day - again, I'd planned on going to the gym since I didn't go Friday but just couldn't get moving. I was crying at the drop of a hat and barely moved the whole day. Didn't even go outside. I felt a bit sick in the stomach too and hardly ate anything for the whole day.

Actually I noticed a few days of hardcore moodiness at around the same time last month - right in the middle of my cycle. Could ovulation cause such things? Hmmm. Maybe I'm just bipolar.

Yesterday I got up and got my arse down to the gym and felt on top of the world afterwards! Stupid exercise and it's happy-inducing properties! Went to Sassafras with the intentions of going to Miss Marples but there was almost a 2 hour wait so we went elsewhere instead. Had a handcrumbed parma which was very nice but what I really wanted was hot chips, thick-cut homestyle and it got served with fries. and I swear there wasn't even any potato in them. So I didn't eat them - normally I would have even though I didn't want them!

Oh yeah, I weighed in at 84 on Saturday - 500g gain. But it was back down to 83.6 yesterday so hopefully it'll drop more during the week.

I did a run on Thursday - 10/3/10 run/walk/run. I really struggled and it put me off attempting the next workout - a 25 min run. I'm still too scared! I might repeat the week and try building up to that again.



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