Day 64

I have become such a slack blogger! It was inevitable I suppose. ;)

Had a 100g loss on Saturday, but was expecting a gain so wasn't complaining. Ate too much crap on the weekend again! Argh! Must stop that.

I bought some new dresses yesterday, one is a bit too tight but it is the hottest dress I've ever owned so I feel very inspired for it to fit properly! It makes my waist look real little and makes me feel kinda 50s pinup girly. It's a black & white polka dot thing. Hott.

I swear my biggest problem with losing weight is that I start enjoying clothes shopping wayyy too much! haha

Got a really bad stomachache at about lunchtime today. I sat it out for an hour and then left work early, doubled over in pain. Came home took some buscopan and fell asleep for 3 hours. I really want this week to be spot on and was thinking my tummy had stuffed Monday! But I was feeling better after a while so I got on the tready and ran for 20 mins (it's getting easier!) and made dinner. So today has ended up being spot on - woohoo!

It's my cousin's engagement this weekend so I will be avoiding any stomach-bloating carby things.

Oh - and I've had 4 people comment on my shrinking! It makes me feel a little uncomfortable but good at the same time.



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