Day 52

omg I am having such a hungry day today!!! And today someone also put a box of goddamn fundraiser chocolates in the kitchen at work. As if I would have even THOUGHT about a mini-block of Crunchie chocolate if it hadn't been there! I didn't buy any, and I won't, but man, every time I went to fill up my water or make a cup of tea there it was, staring me in the face! I ended up putting a dairy milk one on top. Dairy milk - pffft! Borrring.

Anyway I got home and had some toast with honey - I was craving sweet, sweet carbs and I figured if I just had exactly what I wanted then I wouldn't go on to eat a whole bunch of other crap. And hey! It worked!

I had a rest day on Monday - it was unintentional but by the time I'd done grocery shopping, made dinner and washed my hair it was bedtime. So since yesterday was gym, today meant running. And boy did I not want to do it. I was wondering if it would be so bad to skip it and then I started trying on some too-small clothes. I only tried them on a couple of weeks ago but the difference was massive! The dress I wanted to fit into for my cousin's engagement at the end of the month - fits! Oh, except it has a dodgy zip (always has) - always gets stuck at a seam about an inch from the top (it's hidden away under the arms though). Anyway today it went right up.... AND WOULDN'T COME BACK DOWN AGAIN!!! I was seriously stuck in this dress and no one was home. I was freaking out! I didn't want to have to wreck the dress to get it off but I could not get that zip undone.

I was thinking about driving to my parent's house and getting them to help but I really didn't want to do that! In the end I got a fork and stuck a prong in the little hole on the zip - I was worried it would just break handley bit but it worked - although it got some of my skin on the way down. Ouch. Man that was terrifying. Target dresses are notorious for dodgy zips - I've been stuck in them in their dressing rooms before too.

Anyway. I was amazed at this completely visible difference in my body - I guess I never had a whole selection of too-small clothes before so I could never really see it. Oh - and today I wore a pair of jeans to work that haven't fit me for about 18 months! All of this got me on the tready. And then the bike, since I missed out on a lunchtime walk today. All good.

I dunno if I should do measurements/photos this week or next - being conscious that it's PMS time and I'll probably be bloated. Speaking of PMS, you know what I feel like eating right now? Creamy pasta! I hate pasta with creamy sauces! I haven't eaten a creamy-sauced pasta for about 8 years I reckon. wtf!!!!

Less than 6 weeks til NZ!



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