Day 58

Well, my weigh-in on Saturday was 82.9 - 1.1kg loss! I wrote up a whole post on the day and then got distracted, and then Bass Boy used my computer to check his bank balance and then closed Firefox on me! I cracked it - I never close Firefox, just shut down leaving it open so I can always restore the session - I'm always clicking links in blogs and such but might not get to reading them for a few days you see.

I ate a whole heap of crap over the weekend so that was pretty stupid. I've been struggling on weekends lately. This week is going to be a bit strange because I'm staying in a hotel in the city for 2 nights - Bass Boy has a work conference and they're putting him up in a 5 star hotel! Sweet! So I don't really know how I'm going to sort out meals yet.

I've discovered that I'm most likely to take a day off exercise on Monday - but then almost as likely to also take one off on Sunday. So I really need to make sure I do it on Monday so I can take Sunday off guilt-free. Yesterday I got home, took the dog for an hour-long walk, then got on the tready for C25k (10/3/10mins). It was bin night so I changed the kitty litter and was going to go visit my folks - figuring Bass Boy could help with the rest of the rubbish later. Then I thought I could just pick up the rubbish in the lounge room (including bits of dog toy scattered everywhere). It turned into a full-on cleaning frenzy which hasn't happened in my house for a long, long time.

I feel so much better now that the house is clean! Well, the most lived in parts at least.


  1. Anonymous said...

    Congrats on your loss Amy... you're doing great!

    I feel soooo good when the house is clean, too :D



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