Day 13

Weigh in: 85.3

Loss of 500g! I'm really stoked about that, beacuse I was seriously expecting to maintain at best. I haven't had the best week. After such a big loss last week too.

Yesterday. Yesterday was just the worst day! I went off to my work lunch, and it was in a pub bistro - PACKED, soooo noisy and really really hot. Hot rooms are one of the worst things for my whole ear thing. So as soon as I sat down the room started spinning a bit, my ear would block and unblock so I couldn't really talk to anyone, the noise was unbearable.

Then we waited an hour for our meals! By the time they came the place had quietened down a bit and didn't feel as warm either. I gradually felt better and was ok by the time we left. But I did pay $25 for a sad piece of grilled fish that was completely overcooked and a little cup of salad. Talk about a fucking rip off.

So I got home and was planning on doing C25K and then going to the gym after Bass Boy left for his gig. I headed out to do the C25K only to discover that the podcast had just disappeared off my iPod!! I was already feeling pretty fragile at this point. I came back and spent a good 20 minutes stuffing around with the iPod to get it sorted and headed off again.

I was doing well with the intervals, no ear problems, taking note of where i started and finished running so I could work out the distance (and therefore speed).... I had done 3 of the 6 intervals and was about to head into the 4th when I attempted to turn the volume down on the iPod. Instead I hit SKIP. FUCKING SKIP!!!! It was the straw that broke the camel's back. I burst into tears right there on the corner of two main roads in the middle of peak hour! Since I only run around the block and do laps, the furthest spot from home is the end of my street, about 600m away. That's where I was. I walked that street with my head down, sobbing.

Geez I felt shit. Like everything was against me. I got home and I was still crying while I told Bass Boy the story but at the same time I knew that I was being ridiculous and overreacting so he was almost making me smile. While crying.

BB: Can I get you anything?
Me: Arsenic?
BB: You want some arsenic?
Me: Yes. I'm going to be fat forever!
BB: So you want arsenic and you're going to be fat forever. These are the responses I'm getting?
Me: YES! Shut up!

I managed to laugh after that. Argh.

Anyway I got on the tready later and did 4 intervals. I was just going to do the whole thing but it's harder on the treadmill, I swear! I think it's the boredom factor. And it was really hurting my shins. Doesn't outside.

I did a killer workout at the gym this morning. Hopefully I won't be able to move tomorrow... well.. you know what I mean.

Except I got home and whined "I DON'T WANNA GO TO MY GYM ANYMORE!!!!"
Some guy tried to pick me up!!!! I've never done mixed gyms, I've never experienced this! I didn't know what to do!!! I just answered his questions and when he got to the boyfriend one, and I said yes, I have one, he practically ran to the other side of the gym. Phew.

Guys don't try to pick me up. It just doesn't happen. Well I mean they used to, but it was when I was drunk and single and usually up for it. It's rarely happened while sober and since I got the old ball and chain it doesn't seem to happen at all. It really weirds me out!


  1. Kathryn said...

    Wow, I never get picked up at the gym! Damn it.

    Well done for keeping it up with the running - it's so easy to just pack it in when things go wrong.  


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