Day 9

My arms are still sore from Saturday's workout, I can't believe it! It's ridiculous!

Er, so my counting skills clearly need some work, because I believe it's actually 9 weeks until the 26th October, not 10. Oops.

Anyway, I decided to do my C25K workout outside yesterday. Now I have attempted this before in Week 1 (and have never got past Week 2 even on the treadmill), but because of the embarrassment factor I have chosen to do it on a secluded high school football oval where no one can see me. This is stupid, because running in a circle for half an hour is almost as boring as a treadmill, running in a circle seems to hurt the hips and feet more because of the constant turning motion, and running on grass is harder work than a footpath. Probably better for the joints, but requires more effort, which leads the beginning runner to believe that it's just WAY too hard and will never ever be possible.

The other reason for choosing the secluded footy oval to do my running was also because "everywhere around my house involves hills!". I mean it's in the name of my suburb and everything. Then yesterday I realised that there's a 1.4km block that starts across the road from my house that is completely flat. So I used that for my workout yesterday and did 3 laps. In some ways I think it was easier than the treadmill, just because the time went faster.

Oh, so because I didn't do my workout on Sunday I was going to do week 1 yesterday and start week 2 tomorrow. I put both on my iPod ready to go, so I left the house and started walking, pressed play and wasn't really paying attention to Robert Ullery (sp?) crapping on at the start until I heard "You will do 6 intervals" and I went "Huh? It's meant to be 8! This is week 2!".

I attempted to skip back to week 1 only to discover I had made a mistake and week 1 wasn't on there. So I did week 2. I was scared of week 2, because I've found it "too hard" in the past, and thus given up. But it really wasn't too bad yesterday. I mean my grandma could probably run faster but running is running.



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