Day 5

Well I'm just about through the first week... working week at least!

Today is my rest day, but I wanted to go swimming in the morning. I did it last Friday and it was good! I usually avoid public pools like the plague, especially after the 2005 incident - I had decided to brave the pool at the YMCA I was a member of, and within the first couple of laps I swam right into a soggy floating sandwich! GROSS! "Never again!" I proclaimed.

Anyway, at 5:30am the water feels pretty clean. It's full of old people, and the old men swim past you with a "Mooorrrrning!!" which makes me smile.

Last night I fell asleep on the couch watching Law & Order so it must've been about 9:30. Woke up at nearly 11 and couldn't find any of my swimming stuff straight away so I gave up. I've been so tired this week I probably need the rest anyway! Hurry up and get used to this exercise stuff, body.

I did my C25K stint yesterday. I've done Week 1 a few times before and it seems easier than ever this time around. It's more my legs hurting than any cardio fitness issues making it difficult. I upped my speed a bit - 8.5km in the running which I know is still pretty much turtle speeds but it's fast for me, ok??? haha

Took the dog for a walk afterwards, although the boy wanted to come and he slowed me down a bit. I'm all in serious fast-walking mode and he sees it more as a fun spending time together leisurely thing. Plus he likes to make me laugh while going up hills, and I cannot concentrate on getting up a hill quickly while pissing myself! Dickhead.

The plan after work today is to take the dog for a 45-60min walk.

The girls in my office are both fitness types. One is a runner who also plays netball a couple of nights a week and the other goes to the gym/swimming every day. I've told both of them about my challenge so there's another level of accountability. I've always kept these kinds of things secret - so if I fail, no one will ever know. When I did a 12 week challenge last year I didn't tell anyone except the boy (since we live together and all!) because deep down I didn't believe I could do it.

Not this time! I didn't plan to tell anyone, but I was so excited about it that I just blurted it out. I've since given in-depth details of the plan which is such a new thing for me.

This weekend involves my mum's birthday and dinner with people from work. We're going to an Indian restaurant... I have no idea what to eat, I'm not really a fan of Indian food. So I don't really want to waste a free meal on it! I guess I'll look for chicken or seafood without coconut milk! Pancake Parlour for dinner on Monday for mum's birthday... now that's a free meal! Mmmmm, Jamaican Banana........

Exercise plans for the weekend - gym tomorrow morning (chest/biceps/hamstrings), 30-60min dog walk, C25K & 30-60min dog walk on Sunday.



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