Day 6

Day 6 is a great day, folks!

Weigh in: 85.8

For those playing at home that's a 2.3kg loss! Ah, I love fluid loss. That's not even a whole week, that's since Monday! Seriously, you can't imagine how much I've weed this week.

Day 5 was shit, I have this issue where my right ear randomly blocks and it can last minutes or hours, I took the dog for a walk, it blocked 5 mins in and stayed blocked for the duration, getting worse when I went up hills and was exerting myself more. Went away as soon as I lay down after getting home. That's the thing - if I get all stressed and cry about it, it gets worse. If I sit down and relax, it goes away. WHY CAN'T ANYONE FUCKING TELL ME WHAT'S WRONG WITH ME?! ARGH. It's been 3 1/2 years. And it hasn't flared up in a long time. When it does flare up, exercise is the biggest trigger. Motherfucker.

Anyway, I did a 5k walk, I didn't go swimming. I was just so tired the night before, being the first week I wanted to give my body as much rest as it needed! I was glad for it yesterday, I had much more energy.

So I've got Indian dinner tonight, the boy's sister's birthday tomorrow (arvo tea, bring a plate deal) and Pancake Parlour dinner on Monday. Oh, and a pub lunch for work on Friday.

Seriously I haven't had that many food-related social occasions so close together in a long, long time. Stop throwing these challenges at me, universe!

Hmm, tomorrow arvo is supposed to be a C25K session...will have to work around that...


  1. Kathryn said...

    Thát's a great loss. Even if it is fluid, it's always encouraging to start off with a big loss :D  

  2. Amy said...

    True that! I just realised blogger hasn't emailed comments to me... didn't know I had any! ;)  


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