Day 8

Argh, I just went for a walk, within the last couple of minutes my ear blocked up. GRRRR. The last 3 times now, it's been triggered by walking. What's that about? It's never been walking before. Ellipticals, stair machines, squats, lunges - anything with up-and-down movements which I guess walking is to a certain extent, but it's never been enough before. Does this mean it's getting worse? All this time it has seemed to be lessening in severity. Fuck I hate it. I hate it so much. The worst is when I get a bit panicky about it which I tend to do when it's particularly bad - ever started to panic while in the middle of some high intensity cardio? It's like your throat just closes right up and no air can get in. It's so awful. I didn't stress about it today, just ignored it but now I'm starting to stress about it because I just want it to fucking stop!


At dinner on Saturday night I was talking to a girl who is a runner - she's just signed up for the half marathon. Anyway I mentioned that I'm trying to be a runner and told her I'm doing C25K and she got all excited - the chance for a potential convert to her passion! Anyway this morning she emailed me a link to the Spring Into Shape series - 4k runs. There's one on the 26th October. 10 weeks. Could I run 4kms in 10 weeks? Given that at the moment I'm doing 60 second intervals - on a treadmill?

If I worked at it, I think it's doable. A fun run is always something I would do later, when I've lost *that* much weight. Because a fat girl couldn't possibly do a fun run! I've always had mental images of being laughed away from the start line, deemed much too lardy to participate in such a thing.

But when I got that email this morning, I started thinking, well, why the fuck not? Why couldn't I do it? I mean, I'd have the primary goal of completing it, with a secondary goal of y'know, not coming last.

I was going to double up on the C25K weeks. Week 7 involves a 4k run. 10 weeks should be doable... of course I would have to transition from treadmill to road at some point...


  1. Wanna_B_slimmer said...

    Hi Amy... Just wondering about your ear issue... have you tried using a saline nasal spray??
    Might just be a sinus issue...
    I have trouble all the time...Ear infections as soon as I get the sniffles... sux big time...
    Invite on the way...  

  2. Amy said...

    The first treatment I was ever given for it was a prescription nasal spray actually. Unfortunately it did nothing. Neither did Sudafed (the real stuff). The symptoms seem to be closest to Meniere's Disease but I've been told by doctors that I'm too young for that (although I'm not!). Sigh. Sadly healthcare professionals dont' seem interested in investigating anything, if it's more than a quick script you just get handballed to someone else who doesn't care!

    (it's been 3 1/2 years of intermittent "attacks" :\ )

    Thanks for the invite :)  


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