Day 16

Rollercoaster of emotions! I started off cranky and angry and teary this morning - "My ear's gunna be fucked forever, there's no cure or treatment, it's not fair, blah blah blah!"

I was low all morning. Went for a walk at lunchtime and the ear was fine which perked me up straight away. You know yesterday was the first day in 2 weeks where I did nothing - not even a walk or anything. And it felt like it had been aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaages since I'd exercised. I seriously thought for a little bit there that I'd undone everything, that my fitness would be worse than ever. Crazy huh? Of course it wasn't.

Anyway, I got home from work and as I pulled into the driveway I saw that my green bag wasn't on the seat next to me. The green bag with my runners in it!!!! D'OH! Luckily I remembered an old pair of x-trainers I've barely worn cause I never liked them ;)

(they were actually pretty good for the gym. better than my falling-apart nikes!)

Crisis averted, I got to the gym and had like the best workout ever! My gym got new ellipticals (yayyy! they're like the good ones at my old gym now!!!) AND Foxtel. And I was like superwoman! I felt heaps fitter and stronger. I couldn't believe it. And then I remembered that after reading "for best results take 1/2 teaspoon before and after your workout" on my L-Glutamine I decided to try that. So maybe that was it? It was unreal anyway.

My little friend Ahmed was at the gym again. And he stared at me the WHOLE. TIME. Seriously, every time I looked up from whatever I was doing, he was STARING AT ME. I've always attracted particularly creepy guys. I don't know why.

Anyhoo, I'd better go and finish cooking tomorrow's lunch!



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