Day 29

Damn, I missed a day again!

Into Week 5 now - 9 weeks to go!

The weekend wasn't the greatest, foodwise. I had a big lunch on Saturday - homemade burger and a funny face biscuit from the bakery (treat). Didn't have that until 3-4pm so wasn't hungry for the rest of the day - except for some racing cars and pineapple lollies that fell into my mouth! Oops.

Yesterday I was all emotional and had a moment of weakness and spoons of milo & peanut butter. Not too damaging but annoying. Went out for dinner last night and had the healthiest option on the menu - salad with lettuce/tomato/cucumber/fetta, grilled chicken tenderloins on a piece of pita bread with balsamic vinegar. I didn't eat the pita bread but the chicken was a bit oily.

I didn't drink anywhere near enough water yesterday though...

Oh! But I got 7 gold stars on my exercise chart for the week! First time!

I know I haven't even had my NZ holiday yet but I'm daydreaming about Europe. It's just so daunting when you add up how much money would be required. I'd love to do it in 2010 and I reckon I could save in time but Bass Boy just can't seem to do it. I don't know, I feel like he's not even really committed to NZ - he's going to have to get a loan to go because he hasn't saved any money. And he still hasn't got his passport sorted.

To be fair I refinanced my car loan but that was due to a career mishap earlier in the year that left me with a lot of credit card debt. I just couldn't get out of it so I refinanced to pay off my card and got an extra $3k for the trip - but by the time we go I will have saved another $3k on top of that.

I'm hoping that this trip will give him the travel bug (he's never been overseas) and then hopefully he will be more interested in saving for the big Euro adventure. He has said he really wants to go to Italy. I guess I can't imagine what it would be like to have never traveled overseas at this age - my first (of many) o/s holidays was when I was about 18 months old (travel consultant mum)!

I've been looking at Contiki tours. I've always been kind of against them but the idea of planning a Europe trip when I've never been there and don't know anything about getting around and accommodation etc - it would be nice to be on a tour in that sense. And I found one that goes almost everywhere I really want to see. It's $5k for 29 days.

Perhaps I should just get through NZ first eh?

Why can't I just be rich, dammit!


  1. Anonymous said...

    Well done on the exercise Amy! Yay you!

    I feel like you and I are leading parallel lives... the boy and I are going to NZ next year, and I had also planned to go to Europe in 2010!! Plus, my boy is less than excited about the whole travel thing, too! Weird huh? I had been bugging him about Europe for ages and he just wouldn't commit, and then our friends decided to get married in NZ so I got him to commit to that... but now I think he is even less likely to come to Europe with me :( Looks like I'll be going on my own! I know a few people in London so I'm not quite so daunted at that prospect, but I'd still much rather he came along... I'll miss him too much if he doesn't!

    Have you checked out the Intrepid Travel website? A couple of my friends have done tours in Europe with them and they are apparently excellent. Plus they seem more about the cultures and sights than the partying, which is the main drawback I see to Contiki!

    Anyway, sorry for writing a novel in your comments... hehe! Hope you have a great day hon :)  

  2. Amy said...

    That is weird! I think he's just not the type to get excited about stuff before it happens unlike me with my 13 week countdowns ;)

    He's also a bit anxious about the plane since he's only flown to Adelaide and Newcastle before... it's the flying over water apparently. Sigh!

    I have looked at Intrepid but find their website a bit difficult... as in, you seem to have to select a country, as in singular in order to view the trips? Weird. Anyway I'm totally off the Contiki idea already after reading some peoples travel blogs. I don't want to get the Contiki cough and be sick for the whole thing! Ewww!  


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