Day 36

Back at work... I still feel pretty crappy but I'm getting there.

I lost the plot over the weekend. I caved, I had the pizza and I had way too much chocolate. And you know what, I didn't even enjoy it.

Then yesterday I had some raisin toast and a coffee for breakfast, except I bought that cafe-style raisin toast and after I ate it realised that each slice is about 235 calories! Then Bass Boy brought me home something from the Beechworth Bakery on his way home from Ballarat (gig). Then I had oven fish/wedges for dinner (too many wedges!) and then we went to his mum's house and I had a sausage in bread!

I'm back on track today but I can't help feeling like I've undone everything.

I just feel miserable at the moment. I hate working in an office. It just sucks the life out of me.
No choice at the moment unfortunately. Please let me win the lottery, Universe!

Bah, I'm just feeling all crappy and sorry for myself.
I want to get back into exercise but don't know what sort of intensity to go for. I took the dog on a 7.3km walk yesterday and was moving very slowly. I wasn't completely buggered afterwards but I don't think I could've gone any faster - the walk took 90 minutes.



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