Day 31

Today I woke up in excruciating pain. Actually I woke up a few times during the night with it too. Once every 4-6 months I reckon, this happens. I was also almost in tears from just feeling sad as soon as I woke up too so I stayed home from work and spent all morning sobbing on the couch with a wheat bag over my tummy!

Surely that's not normal?

Anyway I forced myself off the couch and into the shower, then decided a walk in the sunshine would make me feel better. So the dog and I went for a big walk (7.3kms) - and it did make me feel better! So I came home and made dinner, Bass Boy went to rehearsal and I went to the gym.

Remind me to avoid the gym at peak time at all costs! It STANK! Do all mixed gyms stink or is mine just gross? Fernwood never stank!

And the people are disgusting! There was CHEWY in the drink holder on the elliptical I used, and a heap of chewy wrappers scattered around it. Who even chews gum at the gym anyway? There were empty cans of V on the ground, empty water bottles everywhere. Seriously - what the fuck is wrong with people?

Anyway, I got through my workout and no longer have any desire to eat any of the Eskimo Pies I remembered were in the freezer just before I left, so this is good!

Oh that's right - this is huge, I can't believe I almost forgot. I was at home ALL DAY, by myself, and I didn't eat anything that wasn't part of the plan! I seriously don't think I've ever done that before. Especially with how miserable I was feeling! I'm very impressed with myself.

I still feel like I must've gained like, 14 kilos overnight though. Damn water-retaining carbs.



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